Mystery Writers of Japan Awards
[Last Updated - June 27, 2022]
(This English page only lists works available in English.)
Novels (winners)
1948 Yokomizo Seishi, The Honjin Murders (trans. Louise Heal Kawai, Pushkin Vertigo, 2019)
1974 Komatsu Sakyo, Japan Sinks (a.k.a. The Death of the Dragon) (trans. Michael Gallagher, Harper & Row, 1976)
1987 Osaka Go, The Red Star of Cádiz (trans. Usha Jayaraman, Kurodahan Press, 2008)
1991 Osawa Arimasa, Shinjuku Shark (trans. Andrew Clare, Vertical, 2007)
1992 Miyabe Miyuki, The Sleeping Dragon (trans. Deborah Iwabuchi, Kodansha International, 2009)
1998 Kirino Natsuo, Out (trans. Stephen Snyder, Kodansha International, 2003)
1999 Higashino Keigo, Naoko (trans. Kerim Yasar, Vertical, 2004)
2006 Onda Riku, The Aosawa Murders (trans. Alison Watts, Bitter Lemon Press, 2020)
2007 Sakuraba Kazuki, Red Girls: The Legend of the Akakuchibas (trans. Jocelyne Allen, Haikasoru, 2015)
2012 Takano Kazuaki, Genocide of One (trans. Philip Gabriel, Mulholland Books, 2014)

Novels (nominees)
1949 Takagi Akimitsu, The Tattoo Murder Case (trans. Deborah Boliver Boehm, Soho, 1998)
1984 Kitakata Kenzo, The Cage (trans. Paul Warham, Vertical, 2006)
1989 Sasaki Joh, Zero Over Berlin (trans. Hiroko Yoda and Matt Alt, Vertical, 2004)
2010 Minato Kanae, Penance (trans. Philip Gabriel, Mulholland Books, 2017)
2012 Numata Mahokaru, Nan-Core (trans. Jonathan Lloyd-Davies, Vertical, 2015)
2018 Tsujimura Mizuki, Lonely Castle in the Mirror (trans. Philip Gabriel, Doubleday, 2021)

Short stories (winners)
1979 Atoda Takashi, "The Visitor" (trans. Gavin Frew, Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine [EQMM], Mid-December 1988)
2000 Yokoyama Hideo, "Motive" (trans. Beth Cary, EQMM, May 2008)
2002 Norizuki Rintaro, "An Urban Legend Puzzle" (trans. Beth Cary, EQMM, January 2004)
2002 Mitsuhara Yuri, "Eighteenth Summer" (trans. Beth Cary, EQMM, December 2004)
2004 Isaka Kotaro, "The Precision of the Agent of Death" (trans. Beth Cary, EQMM, July 2006)
2006 Hirayama Yumeaki, "Monologue of a Universal Transverse Mercator Projection" (trans. Nathan A. Collins, Hanzai Japan, Haikasoru, 2015)
2008 Nagaoka Hiroki, "Heard at One Remove" (trans. Beth Cary, EQMM, February 2010)

Short stories (nominees)
1955 Ayukawa Tetsuya, "The Red Locked Room" (trans. Ho-Ling Wong, The Red Locked Room, Locked Room International, 2020) ※ Book also includes "The Five Clocks" and "The White Locked Room, " MWJ Award nominees in 1958 and 1959, respectively.
2003 Otsuichi, "Dog" (trans. Andrew Cunningham, Goth, TokyoPop, 2008)
2007 Yakumaru Gaku, "Rice Omelet" (trans. Jan Mitsuko Cash, A Cop's Eyes, Vertical, 2016)
2010 Nagase Shunsuke, "Chief" (trans. Beth Cary, EQMM, February 2013)

Edogawa Rampo Prize
(This English page only lists works available in English.)
1962 Togawa Masako, The Master Key (trans. Simon Grove, Century, 1984)
1983 Takahashi Katsuhiko, The Case of the Sharaku Murders (trans. Ian M. MacDonald, Thames River Press, 2013)

1972 Yamamura Misa, The Dark Ring of Murder (trans. Robert B. Rohmer, Noble House, 1996)
1980 Shimada Soji, The Tokyo Zodiac Murders (trans. Ross and Shika Mackenzie, IBC Publishing, 2004)